Exhaustion, confusion, and, then, of course, panic. Was it an option agreement? Was it a firm offer? Was it Promissory Estoppel? Don't even both trying to comprehend those terms. Unless you need an attorney, and honestly, for most of you, I hope that never happens. Hiring an attorney, for the average American, usually means something went completely wrong in your life and it needs "fixing". Adlai Stevenson said it best: "Law is
not a profession at all, but rather a business service station and repair shop."
Back to Contracts. We did survive the midterm, and we all seemed to survive it rather well. In fact, we gained more than knowledge. We learned who those people are that sit across the lecture room from us. With nearly 100 students in one section, one tends to be territorial with one's friends. That means you typically hang with the students that sit near you. Midterms break down these fictional boundaries. Its the midterms that bring you across country lines. Nothing bonds more than fear and panic -- and bond we did.
Now if you will excuse me, I need to prep those Criminal hypos I have been avoiding for three days.