Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Finest Choice in Dining for Legal Scholars Everywhere.

On 11th night of December, blowing off my fifth Christmas party of the weekend, I am in the law library yet again, prepping for my finals. Just when I thought life could not be more grand, I decided to treat myself to a vending machine buffet!!!

This is living large in the law school lane.

The coke, btw, was confiscated by the Food Nazis in the library. I mean, years ago when people actually used the books, I think keeping food out of the library made sense. Now that the only thing the books provide is a sense of decor, maybe we can do away with the food rules. How am I going to spend 12 hours of my day in an unsavory section of Los Angeles any other way?

1 comment:

  1. Why have they not invented some sort of caffeine intraveneus system yet, sit down, plug in and get your work done without the need for either sipping or whizzing? I can't be the only person in need of such a device.
    By the way, if those a Gluten Free crap cookies, invite me over, we can chat while you are studying.
