I am not a stick thin model, working the catwalk for my living. However, in spite of nearly three weeks to go before my first exam, I DO look like Kate Moss after an all nighter with Marc Jacobs (pre 12 steps that is). These bags and circles under my eyes remind me of the days of traveling pre-911. If I look this way after my first semester, what exactly am I going to look like after the Bar exam? And that question is meant purely rhetorically cause I really don't want to know.
Just like the catering the law libraries should provide (to make the school an even bigger cash cow than it is), I think at the very least there should be some discounts from a local spa. Better yet -- provide one on campus. Again, talk about a captive audience. And with some creative accounting, I am sure we can find someplace for them on our financial aid forms. I mean, do they really want to send grads out into the world looking like something from the AMC's hit THE WALKING DEAD? Bad enough Lawyers got the rep they got, but flesh eating zombie is a phrase I would love to avoid being tossed my way.