Did you hear that big thump? It was that loud sound of something hitting the ground very hard. It was the egos landing, face first, at your local law school. In this country, after the holidays we don't just have the major sales, we have the "Handing Out of the Law School Grades". It happens right after New Year and almost immediately after your student loan check clears the school account. Translate -- they have you locked for another semester of intellectual fun.
The administrators conveniently schedule it around the completion of the first week of classes and usually when you are with other people. With only a fixed amount of people getting As no matter how smart or how well the rest of you are, there are going to be a good deal of disappointed legal scholars. And thats when you hear it -- THUMP. The egos of the former 4.0 students hits the ground, face first, and stays there checking to see if anyone saw them.
For if we learn nothing in the first year, its that your poker face is the best face to play in any situation. Thats what makes lawyers so trustworthy!!!! They always have that confident, unflappable look on their face. Legal Scholars everywhere develop this skill upon the receipt of the first grade. For when they look their "friends" directly in the eye and say, "I got an A-" they actually sound believable.
And you thought poker faces were just for Lady GaGa and the Vegas Strip? Drop by any law school and ask the students what they got -- when you hear this ENORMOUS amount of A's in the class, you know the people actually without the As are the ones you want representing you in a trial. Covering a bold face lie like that, especially after the truth just hit you in the gut like a teamster, takes skill. Retain that person now before the rest of the world figures it out.
Don't you just love being graded on a curve? Was never my favorite thing, but you should be quoting Gloria Gaynor, "I will survive" - cause you will. Keep going...please keep in mind that these are all little tests to prep you for the big ONE that the state giveS you! By the way, you know what the guy who graduates from law school last in his class gets? - A LAW DEGREE!!!